Lexington Green Network Newsletter: January 27, 2020

20 Ways to Act on Climate Change in 2020

1. Make sure your voice is heard! We need policies and incentives for reducing carbon and protecting the environment.

2. Choose cleaner electricity

Lexington residents are fortunate to live in a town that has chosen to group together to purchase renewable energy for our electricity at less than the cost of Eversource basic electricity. We are all automatically enrolled. In addition, there are even greener options available through Lexington’s Community Choice Program.

3. Capture the power of the sun: solar electricity, battery storage and solar hot water.

4. Drive electric vehicles; save with rebates and tax credits.

5. Choose public transportation, walk or ride a bike!

6. Get a Home Energy Audit.

Earn credits for insulation, receive free LED lightbulbs, save on energy strips and programmable thermostats.

7. Use electric heating/cooling with energy-efficient heat pumps.

8. Use less water.

9. Wash clothes in cold water and line dry when feasible.

10. Choose to eat less meat and dairy.

11. Reduce food waste.

12. Buy local food grown using organic/regenerative principals.

13. Compost your food waste!

14. Protect trees; plant native species.

15. Green your yard and garden.

  • LexGWAC: “Planting New Ideas”
  • Plant an organically managed vegetable garden and grow some of your own food.
  • Plant pollinator-friendly native flowers, bushes and trees in your yard.
  • Manage the grass you keep with all-natural solutions for fertilizing and, when needed, pest management.
  • Avoid use of pesticides/herbicides that are dangerous to our health and to the health of pollinators.

16. Reduce overall consumption: Buy less, buy local and enjoy more.

17. Use less plastic and learn to recycle the right way.

18. Ask companies to manufacture responsibly:

Use less plastic, build with a circular economy in mind and reduce their carbon footprint.

19. Fly less and offset the flights you do take.

20. Measure your carbon footprint and find ways to reduce it overall!